While I find it hard to get sentimental about random dates that may or may not really represent anything, I don't mind taking a few moments to acknowledge that, flawed as it is, the country I live in is the most successful experiment in democratic government thus far.
I did my bit in the military:

I fixed these things:

And, in general, kept Key West safe from Saddam Hussein and excess rum. Now I'll do my part by wearing a festive shirt and watching fake rockets blow up in the Norman sky. And eat food.
And I'll celebrate the death of one of America's most evil products ever: Jesse Helms. For your listening pleasure, here's MC Stephen Hawking's song "Why Won't Jesse Helms Just Hurry Up And Die?" He can't "take that punk bitch Strom Thurmond with" him, because Thurmond's been feeding worms for five years already.
Yep--today America's a better place.
OMG!!!! Who the hell is that youngster in the picture? Silly Green Horn. Heh.
I hope you had a safe and happy 4th. And thank you for your service. For your description, it sounds like hell on earth...I bet Saddam was really hot for some Mojitos on the beach.
Oh, and Hey, wow, cool! I'm writing a story that features Hydrofoils! Sometime, if it's not too much trouble, could I ask you some questions about the mechanics involved?
Catch you later!
I'm not sure who that is, but I think I swallowed him in about 1990.
Big Jim-
Feel free to ask me anything you want about those. I'm not too well-versed on the mechanics (I was an electronics tech and worked on satellite communications gear), but I remember some, and I remember the layouts of the ships. It's kind of fun to remember them.
You in that little sailor outfit? Very cute!
Another man who confused conservative Christian values with hate, bigotry and homophobia.
He is the kind of man who turns thinking people off from both the Church and politics. No tears here.
I find it amusing now that when I was ten years old I owned a copy of the Village People record In the Navy, but didn't remember that until years after my discharge.
That cute kid in the sailor costume is long gone.
You are right on all counts there. It's hard to acknowledge I'm pleased at the death of another human, but I can be consoled with the fact that Helms was barely human.
"If you like adventure
Don't you wait to enter
The recruiting office fast
Don't you hesitate
There is no need to wait
They're signing up new seamen fast
Maybe you are too young
To join up today
Bout don't you worry 'bout a thing
For I'm sure there will be
Always a good navy
Protecting the land and sea"
Oh, yes, in the navy. I'd rather think of you at the YMCA. OK, that's creepy, too.
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