Monday, July 16, 2007

We Made It.

We're in Oklahoma now, settling into our apartment. The caravan has left and we are busy putting our domicile together.

More good news: When I accessed the internet today I found an email from the Composition Instruction Coordinator at Oklahoma City Community College, and she wanted to set up an interview for tomorrow morning (Tuesday the 17th). The bad news is that she sent the email last Thursday, just hours after I dismantled the computer, and I didn't see it for four days. I called and left a message on her voice mail. I returned her email. She hasn't called back yet. Hopefully tomorrow.

I'm not happy with the way I comported myself over the weekend. I was at turns a brat, a clown, a raving lunatic, a pure idiot, and a general asshole. And those were my good moments. My family faced down the worst behavior of my adult life and didn't strangle me. I don't deserve such good will.

Another note: I've decided on aliases for my in-laws: Skiffy and the Cat Whisperer. I will explain later, because the stories behind both amuse me. But for now, I need to get to bed so I can wake up bright and early tomorrow to iron clothes and wait for the phone to ring.

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