Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Trying Not to Be Cynical

I would like to think the majority of the American public is intelligent and capable of processing basic information. I'd like to think the humans who live near me have some sort of competence. And then I'm faced with this:

------ Race Results Display ------------ VOTES ----- % PRECINCTS

(DEM) FOR PRESIDENT ---------------------------------- 18 OF 2220
HILLARY CLINTON ------------------------------------------ 2,899 --- 45.49%
BILL RICHARDSON ---------------------------------------------- 97 ----- 1.52%
CHRISTOPHER J. DODD -----------------------------------------35 ----- .55%
BARACK OBAMA ------------------------------------------- 2,434 ----- 38.19%
DENNIS J. KUCINICH ------------------------------------------------ 36 ---- .56%
JOHN EDWARDS ---------------------------------------------- 804 ------ 12.62%
JIM ROGERS --------------------------------------------------- 68 ----- 1.07%

I'm not even going to get into the Republicans, because they're all idiots. But look at this. Richardson, Kucinich, Edwards, and Dodd have all dropped out.

And people are still voting for them.

Fucking idiots.


Jerry said...

I voted for Mr.T

Anonymous said...

Cthulu or death!